Coworking Etiquette: Dos and Don’ts for Shared Offices

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coworking etiquette: dos and don'ts for shared offices

Coworking spaces have revolutionized the traditional office environment, offering flexibility, community, and a vibrant atmosphere. However, working in a shared office also brings its own set of challenges and requires a certain level of etiquette to ensure a productive and harmonious environment. Whether you’re a seasoned coworking veteran or new to the concept, adhering to these dos and don’ts will help ensure that you and your fellow coworkers can thrive in a shared office setting. Let us explore some essential dos and don’ts for coworking spaces.

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6 Essential Dos for Shared Offices

  1. Respect Privacy and Space
  2. Keep Noise Levels in Check
  3. Maintain Cleanliness
  4. Be Considerate with Shared Resources
  5. Network and Collaborate
  6. Follow the Rules and Policies

1. Respect Privacy and Space

  • Personal Space: While coworking spaces promote collaboration, it’s crucial to respect personal boundaries. Avoid encroaching on someone’s workspace and maintain a respectful distance.
  • Confidentiality: If you overhear sensitive information, keep it to yourself. Respect the privacy of others’ work and conversations.

2. Keep Noise Levels in Check

  • Use Headphones: Always use headphones when listening to music or engaging in virtual meetings. This helps maintain a quiet and focused environment for everyone.
  • Phone Calls: For lengthy or sensitive phone conversations, use designated phone booths or step outside to avoid disturbing others.

3. Maintain Cleanliness

  • Tidy Up: Keep your workspace neat and clean. Dispose of trash properly and clean up any mess you make in common areas.
  • Shared Equipment: If you use shared equipment like printers, coffee machines, or kitchen appliances, make sure to leave them clean and in good working condition.

4. Be Considerate with Shared Resources

  • Meeting Rooms: Book meeting rooms in advance and respect the booking time. Leave the room clean and ready for the next user.
  • Supplies: Use office supplies judiciously and inform the management if anything is running low.

5. Network and Collaborate

  • Engage: Take advantage of networking opportunities. Attend community events, participate in discussions, and get to know your coworkers.
  • Support: Offer help and share knowledge with others. Coworking spaces thrive on collaboration and mutual support.

6. Follow the Rules and Policies

  • Understand Guidelines: Familiarize yourself with the coworking space’s rules and policies. Adhering to these ensures a smooth and respectful working environment for all.

Also Read: 8 Fun Things To Do in Coworking Spaces

6 Key Don’ts for Shared Offices

  1. Don’t Be Distracting
  2. Don’t Overstay in Common Areas
  3. Don’t Ignore Boundaries
  4. Don’t Misuse Resources
  5. Don’t Be Unapproachable
  6. Don’t Ignore Cleanliness

1. Don’t Be Distracting

  • Loud Conversations: Avoid having loud conversations at your desk. Use designated areas for group discussions or casual chats.
  • Disruptive Behavior: Be mindful of your actions. Refrain from any behavior that might distract or disturb others.

2. Don’t Overstay in Common Areas

  • Shared Spaces: Common areas are for everyone’s use. Avoid monopolizing these spaces for extended periods, especially during peak hours.
  • Break Time: Use common areas for breaks, but be considerate of others who might need the space.

3. Don’t Ignore Boundaries

  • Borrowing Items: Always ask before borrowing someone’s belongings, even if it’s something small like a pen.
  • Personal Space: Respect the personal space of others. Avoid peering over their shoulders or intruding into their work area.

4. Don’t Misuse Resources

  • Supplies and Equipment: Use resources efficiently. Don’t waste office supplies or hog equipment.
  • Internet Bandwidth: Avoid downloading large files or streaming videos excessively, which can slow down the internet for others.

5. Don’t Be Unapproachable

  • Isolation: While it’s important to focus on your work, don’t isolate yourself completely. Be open to interaction and collaboration.
  • Rudeness: Treat everyone with respect and kindness. A friendly demeanour goes a long way in building a positive community.

6. Don’t Ignore Cleanliness

  • Food and Drinks: Be cautious when consuming food and drinks at your desk. Clean up any spills immediately to avoid attracting pests.
  • Personal Hygiene: Maintain good personal hygiene. A clean and fresh appearance contributes to a pleasant working environment.

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Coworking spaces offer a dynamic and collaborative environment, but they also require mutual respect for shared spaces and resources. By following these dos and don’ts, you can contribute to a productive, respectful, and enjoyable coworking experience for everyone. Remember, a positive coworking culture benefits not just you, but the entire community. Come and set up the office at The Office Pass (TOP) co-working spaces available in Delhi and NCR to enjoy all the modern-day facilities. Contact us for more details at 08999 828282.


Question: Can I bring guests or clients to a coworking space?

Answer: Yes, most coworking spaces allow guests or clients, but it’s courteous to check with the management and ensure your guests adhere to the space’s rules.

Question: Is it okay to leave my belongings unattended?

Answer: It’s best to avoid leaving personal belongings unattended to prevent any inconvenience to others. Use lockers or designated areas provided by the coworking space.

Question: How should I handle phone calls in a coworking space?

Answer: Keep phone conversations brief and considerate of others. Use designated phone booths or private areas if available to minimize disruption.

Question: Can I personalize my workspace?

Answer: Yes, within reason. Respect the shared nature of the space by keeping personalization subtle and ensuring it doesn’t disturb others.

Question: What’s the policy on food and drinks?

Answer: Policies vary, but generally, clean up after yourself, use designated areas for eating, and be mindful of strong-smelling foods that could disturb others.

Question: How can I network without being intrusive?

Answer: Be respectful of others’ work time and privacy. Attend networking events organized by the coworking space and approach networking with genuine interest and courtesy.

Question: What should I do if someone is being disruptive?

Answer: Try to address the issue politely and directly with the person if comfortable, or inform the coworking space staff discreetly to resolve the situation.

Question: Is it acceptable to use someone else’s equipment or supplies?

Answer: It is a general etiquette to always ask for permission before using someone else’s equipment or supplies, and respect their decision.

Question: How can I contribute positively to the coworking community?

Answer: Participate in community events, share knowledge, and maintain a friendly and collaborative attitude towards fellow coworkers.

Question: What are the norms regarding noise levels in a coworking space?

Answer: Keep noise levels low and use headphones for listening to music or watching videos. Respect designated quiet areas or zones within the space.


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Raman Kumar is an accomplished writer with a focus on coworking. Leveraging a background in business and workspace trends, he crafts insightful articles exploring the dynamic landscape of collaborative work environments. With a keen eye for innovation, Raman captures the essence of modern work culture, offering valuable insights into the evolving coworking industry.